Sunday, October 16, 2011

Infinity and Beyond

A really great video about taking responsibility for our own footprint on this earth. Very enlightening and in my opinion, genius. Artist, Jae Rhim Lee has designed not just a suit, but an entire kit for decomposition using mushrooms called Infinity Mushrooms. Jae Rhim Lee's work challenges us to think about the final stages of life but in a way that incorporates acceptance and giving back to this planet. Check it out below--it will really enlighten you. Here is more about her and her project.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Flying High

 Balloon Lamp, $100

I love love love balloons. The shapes, colors, characteristics of balloons have always fascinated me.  My husband proposed to me on a hot-air balloon. Even for my wedding, we used balloons as a theme. So when I saw this wonderful lamp idea by Haoshi Design, my heart soared with love. Such a wonderful idea for a child's room or for a quirky little accent on any wall. There is an online shop to purchase the creative light fixture here.

And while on the subject of balloons, here are a few from my wedding last year:

Photography by Ethan Yang Photography.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cutest Video!

This is the cutest thing I've seen all week.
Check out this four-legged family member getting ready for a nap.

<3 I die.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sail Away

I must have travel on my mind.

Currently loving this awesome necklace by Aprés Ski. How cute are these striped sails!
This Golden Butterfly is also so cute too:

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